Jean-Pierre Boulanger took his time in building his Ligue Féminine de Basketball team for 2011-12. With the exception of Laëtitia Kamba (whom the club would have liked to stay), all the players except Clémence Beikes and Emilie Silbande-Petiteau were given permission to find other teams at the end of the season. Des information en français sur Saint-Amand Hainaut Basket se trouvent en bas du page. Union Hainaut has gone. The club's official name is Saint-Amand Hainaut Basket. Their first season in the LFB in 2010-2011 turned out to be more difficult than expected. Steffi Sorensen had left after two months while Jasmon Covington missed a big part of the season with injury. Alison Bales who was the tallest player in the LFB had never settled and was not the expected offensive threat. In addition Emilie Duvivier had an injury prone season and failed to find the form that had got her into the French team in 2009. All these players are not returning. Furthermore Lindsay Winston and Amanda Jackson who played for the club on short term contracts during last season were also not invited back despite some good performances. Noémie Lemaire decided to drop down two divisons and play at Le Poiré-sur-Vie in NF1.
French international Clémence Beikes (in picture) and Emilie Silbande-Petiteau are the only players coming back. Laëtitia Kamba who was the club's player of the year decided to move to USO Mondeville as her contract had come to an end. With Challes-les-Eaux giving up its place in the EuroCup Women competition, the FFBB offered the place to SAHB. This left the coach Corinne Benintendi a big challenge in building a new roster. Initially it would have been Stefanie Murphy joining the club. But since then things changed and Murphy is not joining the club. However the following international players are confirmed for this season: Lithuanian international Marina Solopova, Croatian Petra Stampalija and the Americans Amisha Carter and Ashley Houts. The three new French players are: Tracy Albicy (Roche Vendée - LF2), Marie-Frédérique Aiyssi (SO Armentières - LF2) and Carine Paul (Villeneuve d'Ascq - LFB) The nine-player LFB roster for 2011-2012 is: Ashley Houts, Amisha Carter, Tracy Albicy, Carine Paul, Clémence Beikes, Emilie Silbande-Petiteau, Petra Stampalija, Marie-Frédérique Aiyssi and Marina Solopova. L'effectif de Saint-Amand Hainaut BasketLa deuxième saison du club en ligue féminine de basketball voit quelques changements. Premièrement Union Hainaut devient SAHB, Saint-Amand Hainaut Basket. Deuxièment le coach Corinne Benintendi doit préparer sa nouvelle équipe pour EuroCup Women (une place offerte de LFB) après Challes-les-Eaux y avait décliné leur participation. Et troisièment, les joueuses Clémence Beikes et Emilie Silbande-Petiteau sont les seules qui jouent cette saison sous les couleurs de SAHB.
Entre outres, Steffi Sorensen qui avait que joué pendant deux mois la saison dernière, Jasmon Covington qui avait été blessée, Alison Bales, la plus grande joueuse dans la LFB mais decevante dans ses performances et Emilie Duvivier, plusieurs fois blessée ne reviennent pas non plus. Les pigistes Lindsay Winston et Amanda Jackson n'ont pas non plus été retenues pour revenir au sein du club. Le nouvel effectif pour SAHB en 2011-2012 est: Ashley Houts (USA), Amisha Carter (USA), Tracy Albicy (dans l'image ci-dessus) (France; Roche Vendée - LF2 moins 20), Carine Paul (France; Villeneuve d'Ascq - LFB), Clémence Beikes (France internationale), Emilie Silbande-Petiteau (France), Petra Stampalija (Croatie internationale), Marie-Frédérique Aiyssi (France; SO Armentières - LF2) et Marina Solopova (Lituanie internationale). Go to Ligue Féminine de Basket index page Leave Ligue Féminine de Basket - Season 2011-2012 page and return to home page Return to the top of Ligue Féminine de Basketball page Picture credits: womensbasketball-in-france