Basketball news from France

2014 Players and teams from the Ligue Féminine de BasketLigue Féminine de BasketTeams and players in Basketball news

The traditional Open LFB in Paris launches the start of the 17th season of the LFB. Its season ends in April 2015 with the French Championship play-offs.

The second division of French basketball with just 13 teams ends in May 2015 with the LF2 final four.

We from wbbif start the 2014-15 campaign by reviewing the 10th edition of the Open LFB and then update our weekly basketball news.

All links for the latest stories can be found below and in the right menu.

Trouvez en bas de page des informations générales en français sur la saison 2014-2015 de basket féminin en France.

The growth of social media channels and live basketball platforms have changed the way in which basketball news is covered. The LFB website has been updated and has all the statistics and history one desires.

As a consequence commencing from the 2014-2015 wbbif concentrate more on writing about the people involved in basketball at all levels with articles, interviews and videos.

There are no major changes in the LFB this season. At the end of the regular season, the top four teams play off for the title of Champions of France and for a place in the EuroLeague Women tournament for the following year.

The play-off series follows the format used during the 2011-2012 season.

The LFB Challenge Round is the post-season competition for the teams that finish between 5th and 8th place.

In LF2, the top four teams play in a Final Four, hosted by the team that finishes first during the regular season.

Tout brille pour la LFB !

10th edition of Open LFBGloire et glamour dans la LFB

Pour la saison 2014-15, l'Open LFB célèbre sa 10e édition et ouvre la 17e saison en ligue féminine de basketball avec 14 formations à y participant. Le déroulement de la saison régulière ne change pas.

Les quatre meilleures équipes se qualifient alors pour les play-offs pour se disputer le titre de champion de France. Par contre, les équipes de la 5ème à la 8ème place participent au LFB Challenge Round.

Pour les six formations en bas du tableau, la saison s'achève là avec la 13ième et 14ième équipe se trouvant sur des places de relégation.

Il y a une équipe promue cette saison, le COB Calais, après une absence de quatre ans en LFB.

wbbif vous fournit également des informations sur la LF2 dont normalement en moins une équipe se qualifierera pour la 1e division pour la prochaine saison.

The basketball news from France
for the 2014- 2015 season

03 January 2015: Tango Bourges Basket alone at top as teams break for Christmas

14 December 2014: LFB Round 11: Tango Bourges Basket, the new leaders

12 December 2014: Winners and losers from round 10

12 December 2014: LFB round 9 - Beauty of double-doubles are the order of the day

24 November 2014: Pink is the LFB colour of the week

18 November 2014: LFB round 7: Saturday rules do not apply on Sunday

10 November 2014: LFB: Kathy Wambe would have enjoyed last weekend - when the assists are high you win most of the time

03 November 2014; Some climb the LFB ladder while Tango and Montpellier come to a halt

27 October 2014: A week to forget for Hainaut Basket

26 October 2014: Not the start Villeneuve d'Ascq wanted for new season

20 October 2014: Playing basketball on day 2 of the Open LFB is much more physical

19 October 2014: When playing basketball at the Open LFB, Tango Bourges Basket always wins"

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LFB basketball picture credits:

Date created: 25 October 2014
Last updated: 03 January 2014

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2014 French Basketball Champions - Lattes Montpellier2014 French Basketball Champions - Lattes Montpellier

LFB season articles








Perpignan Basket qualify for their second LF2 championship again in 2014Perpignan Basket qualify for their second LF2 championship again in 2014

LF2 basketball season links








Recent Articles

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    Mar 30, 15 04:34 PM

    While COB Calais and Hainaut Basket are fighting against relegation with Calais winning their third match this season in round 23 against Charleville-Mézières, Hainaut Basket take the victory in round…

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  2. LFB round 21: March madness starts with a bang

    Mar 17, 15 09:49 AM

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  3. LFB round 20: Good performances and absent friends

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  4. LFB round 19: Welcome back Miss Go as play-off picture takes shape

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