However the post season challenge for the title of French champions was made difficult with the club not being able to play Romy Bär for administrative reasons concerning the date of her contract. Challes lost the championship semi-final series 2-0. Des information en français sur Challes-les-Eaux Basket se trouvent en bas du page. The five players that left were replaced by five new players: Mélanie Plust and Emilija Podrug both come from Nantes-Rezé while Anaël Lardy joins from Bourges Basket. Danielle Nicole Page, an American, who played in Hungary with ZTE NKK was the last major signing. Sara Chevaugeon, the fifth new player, comes from the CFBB. With the club already penalised by the FFBB's refusal to have no more than seven professionals on the LFB roster Challes decided not to recruit anybody else.
The following players from last year that have gone are: Clarisse Costaz (ended her professional career), Jennifer Fleischer, Magali Lacroix (Charleville-Mézières - LFB), Sabrina Palie (Villeneuve d'Ascq) and Bianca Thomas. The two players from the basketball academy who played a few times with the elite division also left: Lalya Sidibé (Aplemont Le Havre - LF2) and Elodie Tadeuszak (BC Culoz - NF2). The LFB roster for 2011-2012 is: Anaël Lardy (in picture), Alexia Plagnard, Mistie Mims, Mélanie Plust, Sara Chevaugeon, Romy Bär, Manon Morel, Danielle Nicole Page, Emilija Podrug. L'effectif de Challes-les-Eaux BasketMalgré la deuxième place dans la saison dernière, Challes s'est vu contraint de renoncer à disputer la coupe d'Europe après la FFBB leur a interdit d'avoir plus de sept professionnelles. Mélanie Plust et Emilija Podrug de Nantes-Rezé, LFB; Anaël Lardy de Bourges Basket, LFB; Danielle Nicole Page, une Américaine de ZTE NKK, Hongrie et Sara Chevaugeon du CFBB. L'effectif complet pour 2011-2012 est: Anaël Lardy, Alexia Plagnard, Mistie Mims (dans l'image à gauche), Mélanie Plust, Sara Chevaugeon, Romy Bär, Manon Morel, Danielle Nicole Page et Emilija Podrug. Go to Ligue Féminine de Basket index page Leave Ligue Féminine de Basket - Season 2011-2012 page and return to home page Return to the top of Ligue Féminine de Basketball page Picture credits: womensbasketball-in-france